News, unfortunately, from the Land of Milk, Honey, and Remorseless, Ongoing Oppression: Made in the USA, where so many of the craziest settler groups emigrated from, and where the war technology has been sold to the Israelis and the bulldozers have been made. I keep trying to get some distance from this ongoing atrocity, but I can't. Western nations are kicking Syrian diplomats out to protest the latest civilian massacre there; has anyone kicked out Israeli diplomats to protest the ongoing ethnic cleansing (with murders) of the Palestinian population of the land that only a fanatic could consider "holy" after all its horror, crime, and misery perpetrated over the past, what, seventy years, and now perpetuated without the slightest compunction by the Israeli government?
I know, it's a lost cause. But I doubt it's ever going to be a forgotten one.
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