May 21, 2003 16:46
today there was a dead bird outside the house.. I was getting the mail, and Joy said " do NOT step on that.." and I turned around and screamed... twice... the second scream was was a cute small bird with yellow feathers right there on the porch mat.. you could still see the beak and legs and everything.. i guess a cat brought it there.. cuz cats seem to think that we like when they bring us presents.. so i hope daddy doesn't step on it when he comes home..
Then, as soon as we close the door, I scream once again, b/c there are HUGE MONSTROUS ants on the steps... and some live ones too.. one of the live ones was carrying the dead body of a dead one.. so I went to get the spray, and of course the house now smells like death..
It's so fucking annoying... this house is like a fucking zoo.. there just kept being more animals to scream at.. then i was like "Ummm if I go upstairs, there's gonna be a dead deer in my bed"