
Feb 03, 2003 19:30

just finished dinner.. dollar menu mcchicken from mcdonalds! hehe. those are soo0o0 good.. me and joy discovered them a couple of weeks ago! at the dinner table, daddy called me and mommy racists.. it was funny :-) cuz we sort of are... but not really.. ;-)

ummm, like a week ago, dan the dinosaur asked me for my number in the weight room.. and he handed me one of those little pencils used to fill out your weight sheet, and said " Here, write down ur number".. and im like "ummm ok"... even though I really didn't want to... but what am I supposed to say? He was so confident, it was sickening.. but I hardly even talk to him, so it was so weird and stupid..
so anyway, he came up to me again on friday at the end of the day and he;s like " i left your number in my gym locker, so can i have it again".. so this time I only gave him my cell #, which I conveniently turned off all weekend.. but he left voicemail friday AND saturday..
so since I didn't call him back all weekend, I figured he would be mad and give up, but noooo.. he asks me again for my number at the end of the day today, but this time he asks for my HOME number.. and wrote it ACROSS HIS BINDER.. uGHghhhHGHhhh... can he like get the point already? it's so aggravating... and he thinks I like him or something? maybe once I asked him for a pen or something or asked what the homework was, but I didn't think that meant anything.. I guess it does.. maybe I was LEaDING him On.. OMG..I guess I really do lead everyone on, b/c matt happened to say the exact thing today.. he said its the look in my eye and the way I talk to ppl.. well, I dunno what to say about that.. sorry I guess? I don't do it on purpose..

anywayyyyyy, I had a dream last night that there was a toilet and sink in my room.. and it was like the best thing ever.. isn't that so convenient?!?!? ahh it was aMAZing.. and of course I dream about a toilet, b/c i always do..

OH, and another dream I had last night was that I was in a dark room and the door was closed, but the door had a little window that I could see out of... and Jon and 2 of his friends were outside the door and I could see ONLY their heads in the little window, and they were smiling evil smiles that showed their teeth and giving me the "thumbs up" sign.. it was incredibly scary.. like just their 3 heads smiling so wide, giving the thumbs up.. ANd one of the friends kept repeating something a million times that I can;t remember.. but wait.. if I could only see their heads, how did I know that they were giving the thumbs up sign???? HmMmMM that's weird... well, it was a weird thing that happened, b/c I was so scared of this dream, that I wanted to wake up.. and it like a lucid dream, b/c I knew what was happening while I was in the dream.. like I could have done anything, and gone with the dream, and did anything I wanted, b/c I was completely aware that I was dreaming.. but the thing was, I didn't WANT to stay in the dream.. since it was scary, I wanted to wake up as quickly as possible.. so I literally was trying to WAKE UP.. so I moved my legs consciously, and tried to open my eyes, and it WORKED!! since I knew I was dreaming, I was able to wake myself up and get out of the nightmare.. so I opened my eyes and was awake, but i was really scared in my room and I kept looking around thinking that something was going to happen..and I kept going over in my head the words that one of the friends was saying.. but I fell back to sleep eventually, and then had the more pleasant, toilet dream..
yeaaaa that's enough dream analysis for one day.

in other news, stephanie will not be attending the prom.. when asked why, she answered, " Why SHOULD I go?".. Well, me and Joy didn't really have an answer for her, so we just let it go.. so0o0 this is kind of a problem, but I guess it will get worked out? But the worst part is, we will never get to meet " Kid From Churchhhh"... I really wanted to see what he looked like :-( ..
umm it also seems like no one is going this year.. some of leigh's friends said today that they are not going, and then I heard that some kid said he's only going if he gets laid.. HAHAHAHAHAHAH... also, leigh;s friends were making fun of my 76 dollar pants :-( ..

in health, I am like the only senior, b/c everyone took it already, and I am kinda stupid for waiting.. but whatever.. so my whole class is like 10th grade boys.. cuz there are only SEVEN girls out of a class of like 30? and they are all in 10th.. HAHAHHA that's a realllllyyy weird class.. it's so great though.. i'm so out of place, that's it's like amazing.. and that class is a joke cuz we talked about like peer pressure today and everything we talk about is so amazing and obvious and pointless.. its great! ;-)
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