Apr 20, 2009 19:29
Today was a bad day because I administered the post test. I hate the post test, kind of because it's meaning is not readily apparent. Mostly I hate it because I have to do it twice in every 3 month program, approximately 5 programs a year, for the past four years. I'm sick of it.
Today was a good day, because they are all going to be marked by bedtime, and won't be hanging over my head.
Today was a bad day because one of the teachers was sick, and I thought it meant more work for me, but it didn't in the end. Bad for him, though, because he was sick.
Today was a good day because I eloquently and maturely explained to someone why I needed the boardroom on Thursday more than she did, and she agreed with me.
Today was a bad day, ummm... I have no more bad day ideas.
But today was the best day, because it is the day that I do the final pronunciation voice recordings on the computer and the students get to hear the difference between the reading they did in January and the reading they did today. They always improve, not just because of pronunciation classes, but also public speaking class, reading, writing and the rest of them. But pronunciation gets the credit. And I get lots of compliments and praise for being a wonderful teacher who cares and has helped them so much. And they leave with a strong sense of accomplishment and pride, just from hearing two minutes of their own voice. So, that made today a good day for all of us.
PS - Also good because Castle is on Access in 15 minutes. If you're not watching, you should be. Let's all pitch in and not let another great Nathan Fillion show get cancelled, please.
nathan fillion,