
Feb 06, 2014 03:43

Wow I haven't been on LJ for several months. I'm not even sure how many, it's been soo long...
I have to admit, I haven't been listening to Hey! Say! Jump. I pay attention to them sometimes, but not a huge fan like i was a few years ago. Yuya's no longer my number 1 nor is Yabu. It belongs to Yamada... yup shocker then Yabu as for the others I'm not sure my ranking but if I had to rank right now it would be.

1. Yamada
2. Yabu
3. Hikaru
4. Yuya
5. Yuto
6. Inoo
7. Keito
8. Chinen
9. Daiki
Sounds right..

Anyway even though I don't pay much attention to them, I wanna get back in writing fics. I still love C-ute <3
And I know I have alot of over-do stories. But I have a few ideas to get me started. Just don't know when I'll post buy you can look forward to them. I hope alot of my friends are still on Livejournal?
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