Midterm Exams

Jul 04, 2011 00:49

i found the information here:

I was really curious why Japan has more midterms then where i go to school!?
Its harder on them then us!

Their first exam lasts from April to July, their second from September to December and their last one from January to March! Tests are usually held in Japanese, Mathematics, Science, Social studies and English.

I get Mathematics, Science, Social studies, English, and the language you study with your choice from Latin, Spanish, German, and i forgot the last. Mine is German though.

The results for Japan students from the midterm and end-of-term have a bearing on the grade they receive for that term. Which in turn becomes a major factor in choosing high schools to apply for.

While here where i live it depends where you live. Since i live in the Dieruff district, i had to go there! While half of my friends lived in the Allen district and we had to separate!

The Japanese school year starts in April and consists of three terms, separated by short holidays in spring and winter, and a one month long summer break.

While we start in September we have 4 quarters! We have a spring and winter break for the holidays.
We do get a midterm in the middle of the year, and then at the end of the year we get our final, that sums up what all grades together into 1 for the year! Example if i got a F,D,D,B Then my grade will be a D for the year.

Oh and our grades are different too!
A=4 (99-100%)
B=3 (89-80%)
C=2 (79-70%)
D=1 (60-69%)
F=0 (59-0%)

For Japan its
Grade in Japanese (Kanji) English translation Corresponding percentage 4-scale university shū (秀) Exemplary, excellent A (90-100%), rarely given   yū (優) Very good B (80-89%) A (80-100%) ryō (良) good C (70-79%) B (70-79%) ka (可) Average, pass D (60-69%) C (60-69%) nin (認) Approved, acceptable E/F (50-59%), not common   fuka (不可) Unacceptable, failed E/F (0-59% or 49%) F (0-59%)Below-average students are given an F, and are encouraged to re-take the same subject(s) in the following semesters.

Every Japanese child is required to attend school until he or she passes Junior High. An interesting phenomenon is that even if an individual student fails a course, they may pass with their class regardless of grades on tests. The grades on tests have no effect on schooling until taking entrance exams to get into high school.

But if a student fails here they must either go to summer school or repeat the grade!

School Life
Part of the education in Japan schools, students separate in small groups and must clean the classrooms, clean the halls, and yards of their school.
In some school's classes get to eat lunch together in their classrooms, or outside!

Their are many school events during the year! Like a sports day, when students come together to compete in tug-of-war, relay races! Some festivals have students dancing and other performances.

Most middle and high students are required to wear uniforms.

Now that is different to us right?
We don't have uniforms in our school. We have to eat lunch in the cafeteria, or if we get permission we can go to other places, but never outside.

Though if you a senior with a high enough GPA and you get permission, you can leave and go buy something during lunch time and then come back! We also don't have to clean the classrooms, clean the halls, and yards of their school. Only if you get detention or something!

Last that i'm going to talk about it Time!
What's the time do students go to school then come home?

Japanese elementary and middle schools starts around eight-thirty!

On Monday, at the beginning of each week an assembly is held before classes begin. Everyone attends!
On other days of the week is spent in making announcements, and taking attendance and then they begin the class.

In elementary classes are from 40 - 45 minutes, middle school 50minutes! Students are given a 5 to 10minute break between classes.

Lunch time starts at 12:30pm and lasts for 40minutes!
In Japan, the tables are set and cleaned by the students.
Today, school lunches are a diverse affair, including soup and side dishes. Dishes range from Asian dishes such as naengmyeon, tom yam and ma po tofu to western dishes such as spaghetti, stew and clam chowder.

After lunch they receive a 20minute break. Some students use this time to clean the classrooms when they're done eating!

it was pretty much expected students would be at school 1-2 hours before school each day to study or practice for sports, and the same was generally expected after school, these times getting longer as students got older. THEN 90% of students would also attend "cram school" for about 2 hours most nights of the week, in my host family that was from 7-9 at night 4 nights a week, but some kids had to go even longer. AFTER THAT they have to sit at home and do homework for ages everynight as well.

Now us:
I wake up at 6, go to school at 7. We must be in homeroom by 7:50, doors open at 7:45am. Or if you want to eat breakfast it opens for u at 7:20 and only if u have 0 period!

We Travel to our classes. There are 7 total! Everyone has something different.
Like in activates and stuff. and when we have them.

There are 3 lunch servings
First Lunch is from 10:50 to 11:20
Second lunch is from 11:20 to 11:50
And third is from 11:50 to 12:20

We always have 5 minutes to get to our classes, and you could be 1 minute late and its a warning, 2nd time a call home, third detention but usually it depends on your teacher!

Our days ends at 3:05pm
People walk, get a ride or take the bus home.
I have to take the bus yuck!
But at least i'm with my friends!

Some people have after school activates and stay till usually 4:30 or 5!
Like football, softball etc

So what do u think about Japan vs Where i live?
How we do things differently?

Japan had it way harder the us!

school life

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