must-writes for March, prioritized:

Mar 15, 2011 15:15

finish the first draft of The Book (51082/80000, by 3/30)

avatarbigbang entry (3499/750, due 3/1) COMPLETE.

auction fic for beckyh2112 (2578/3000)
auction fic for arrayepl (597/1000)
auction fic for gossymer (534/1000)

maybe a second avatarbigbang, if time allows (2240/750, due 3/10) COMPLETE.

finish atla_crackfic (783/500, due 4/16)
finish Red Peacock Press submission (2699/6000, due 3/30)
second Red Peacock Press submission (1244/1500, due 3/30)

the book, rin is a big damn fangirl, real life is not for the faint of heart, write now revise later, virgo power

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