"God smiles on my little brother / inside and out he's better than I am."

Feb 08, 2010 00:35


Admittedly I only saw the last minute and fiftysome seconds, but that Brees guy and his kid were really cute. <<

And wow the restaurant is way, way busier than it used to be. We did over nine grand today. o__o;; Holy shit, people, you really like your football parties. My feet are kiiiiilling meeeeeeeeeeeee.

Being out here is really exhausting. :/ I have no energy for anything and yet I am getting way way more done than I have in, like, a million years, so it's very weird. Awkward? I don't know. Also it's all I can do not to throttle Mars for being such a teenager. >_o Roma fortunately does not suffer from the same affliction, for unfortunate reasons. The parents are the parents, in the "I am getting better at wrangling them" sense; Laura-doll is Laura-doll, in the "needs more love" sense. Yet another person I need to call!

Crankydead lady. Weird lady?

Braaaaaaaain. I don't know where my brainthing is. And yet somehow I wrote two make that five really excellent pages in Hatch today, post-Superbowl? What is this I don't even.


*goes to sleep on Hatch!notebook again*

rin can cook!, mom i wish, codename: hatch, virgo power

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