Okay, the place is still trashed and I am pretty thoroughly doomed to pulling an all-nighter so I don't have to wake up and run around like a nutbar first thing tomorrow morning (um, this morning, technically), but I feel much better now, so that's something!
In a way it's nice to gut the chaff out of my life, but at the same time it's super stressful, and it's straight-up mauling my focus. I've written basically jack shit this week--some drabbles, a couple pages for Hatch, and a veeeery little for my
help_haiti donation, and that's about it. Considering that I know I am capable of churning out thirty pages in a week, this is a really, really bad showing. >:/
Although, I did manage to get some actual commission work done again, thank GOD, so that's something.
*goes back to culling worldly possessions down to two suitcases*
Agh this is so boring. How can something so depressing and stressful be so BORING? -___-;;