The value of putting my remodeling ideas in a journal became clear to me yesterday when I actually referred to
the one I started on the WC to look at the faucets I was considering. (Back when that was what I was most concerned with.) I was reminded that I still like this faucet ...
But I still hadn't heard from the company as to what size it is. I called them and asked me to fax the specs, and as I was leaving my office I noticed they sent the wrong one.
The fact is, I am no closer to choosing a faucet than I was back in June when I posted this photo. The problem is that most of the "pull-out spray" faucets that might look good in my period kitchen on my apron front sink fall into one of two categories:
Kohler Vinnata - 18" high
Or "Trying too hard:"
We didn't have pull-out sprays 75 years ago, so I’m happy to have a faucet that isn't trying to look like an outdoor water pump or Victorian plumbing, as long as it doesn't clash with the look I’m going for.
I'm still at a loss. I really don't want a side spray because a.) I am used to the pull down ones, and b.) I will already need to drill holes in the counter for a soap dispenser and filtered water tap - I feel like three holes is enough.
My latest exercise was to go to the Kitchen Forum at the Garden Web and look at some real life applications.
This was the faucet I originally liked:
Moen Aberdeen
Pretty, huh?
Here's how it looked in a real kitchen, with a sink wall only slightly larger than mine:
Gah! Huge!
Here's the ever-popular (and hardly ever the right scale, but people MUST have it anyway) Kohler Vinnata:
expecting an attack of killer tomatoes?
Last night we watched the movie "The Upside of Anger" with Joan Allen, and her character's kitchen had one of these on the island prep sink - it looked ridiculous. I pointed it out to DH, who - while he would not have noticed how stupidly huge it was on his own - concurred. (Yes, I know it is a sign of complete obsession to notice faucets in movies.)
Grohe Ladylux
Like a robotic arm for your sink.
Not sure which this one is, but it even seems a bit much in this large kitchen.
An example of going too far in the other direction, here's a tiny faucet on an apron sink:
Wahh! With all these choices, shouldn't this be easier?
Besides the first one I posted (which is still in the running 'til I find out it's huge - which it probably is) this is my front runner at the moment:
Whitehaus-Metrohaus Collection WHUS576
(What scares me about it is that it bears a striking resemblance to the ones I considered to be "trying too hard." I don't want to just talk myself into something here.)