Jul 21, 2005 20:13
I remember going to a hard-assed Catholic school when I was little. The teachers didn't have to be there until 7 in the morning, but the students were all expected to be there by 6:30 am. Not only were we expected to be there on time or else, but we all had to stand in a line against the fence out front until 7 when we would be allowed in the building: NO MATTER HOW THE WEATHER WAS. The teachers took turns showing up early (Oh, how HORRIBLE it must have been for THEM) just so that they could take tardies for the kids that didn't show up at the fence until 7 because it was raining and their parents wouldn't let them out of the cars.
If that scares you, think about this. We had uniforms that were specifically DESIGNED to make us feel inferior and just a part of the crowd. We were all invisible unless singled out by a teacher. And the girls were not allowed to wear the shorts or the pants. WE HAD TO WEAR THE SKIRTS OR WE WERE SENT HOME! Also, all girls with hair shorter than shoulder length were required to wear hats to cover the fact that they 'don't want to be female'. The shoes for boys resembled sneakers, and the girls wore shiny mary-janes with bows on the straps. The girls were not permitted to wear the boy's sneaker shoes.
Every morning, no matter your grade, you were required to sit absolutely still with the entire class and count from 1 to 100 IN EVEN RHYTHM, or you had to do it again. Also, I distinctly remember being made to sit on only half of my chair for hours on end, until the right side of my body from the waist down fell asleep because I had to make room fr my guardian angel to sit down next to me. If I refused to sit on only half of my chair, then I was being selfish to my angel and was made to sit on the floor.
Yes, I was hit on the hands with rulers, wore knee-high socks, and had my birthday cookies confiscated from me and never got them back. This is why I'm recovering from being Catholic.