podpuppet script

Apr 24, 2008 14:52

Here is a script I am working on.  Still needs work.

The Adventure of the Studious Warriors

(Scene- night with stars showing.  Trees on side.)

Thaerin- Hey! How’s it going?

Kym- Good.

Adam- Great!  What a clear night!!

Thaerin- Yeah!  Look at the stars!!

Adam- you mean constellations!!

Kym- What’s the difference?

Adam- Constellations are parts of the sky that have recognizable star patterns.

Kym- Oh! Like the big dipper!!  (big dipper drops down into the scene)

Thaerin-  Look! I see the big dipper.

All- oooooooooooo  (all puppets look up at the dipper)

Kym- So, did you now stars are born? (make sure to turn towards each other and move your “mouth”)

Adam- What?  So they have a mommy and daddy star? (laughing)

Thaerin- very funny!

Kym- HAHA.  No!  A nebula is where stars are born

Thaerin- Nebula comes from the Latin word meaning Cloud. Nebulas are found only in spiral galaxies.

( have all types go across the top of stage as the names are said )

Adam- There are three types of galaxies; spiral, elliptical and irregular.

Spiral galaxies are the only one that has nebulas?  Really?

Thaerin- Nope! Only spiral galaxies.  Look, there’s a nebula!!! (have nebula drop from top into scene)

Kym- let’s look through the telescope.  (have telescope pop up from bottom of scene and all move towards telescope.)

Adam- look at Saturn!  WOW!  It’s a planet.  Planets are different from stars. (have Saturn drop down from top)

Thaerin- How?

Adam- well, first off; stars give off their own light and planets don’t.  Most planets are rocky and have an atmosphere.  Stars don’t.

Kym- let’s go to the observatory tomorrow and look at the Sun!

Adam and Thaerin-  Good idea!! (all exit stage left)

ANNOUNCE-  Next day at the Warrior Observatory (change scenery:  day time, observatory and trees)

Thaerin- Wow, it’s little

Adam- They just look at the Sun and planets here.  They don’t need a real powerful telescope

Kym- yeah.  Hey, there’s Mr. Noodletop!

All- Hello, Mr. Noodletop. (enters from side of stage.  Stands apart from kids)

Noodletop- Morning interested young astronomers.  You are here at my observatory to see the Sun today?

Kym- Yes, Sir!

Noodletop- do you know about the structure of the sun? (he makes exaggerated moves when talking)

Adam- Yes, sir.  There is the sun’s core, the radiative zone that surrounds the core, the convective zone that moves the sun’s energy to the surface and the photosphere, that’s the sun’s surface.  (have cross section of Sun drop down from top while talking)

Kym- Nuclear fusion reactions give off the energy of the Sun.

Thaerin-yeah!  BOOM!!!!!  Explosions!!!  (drop picture of explosion from top)

Noodletop-  you are right!  Very good.  There are also sunspots.  These are dark patches on the surface that are cooler than other parts. They look darker.

Thaerin- then there are prominences that are big loops of gas that jump from the surface.  We see them as solar flares sometimes.  They mess up radio waves here on Earth.  Tsk tsk tsk!

Noodletop-  let's look at the sun!

(looking in the telescope)

Adam- Look, I see a sunspot! (drop picture of Sun with sunspots from top)

Thearin- look at that prominence leap out!! (drop picture of Sun with prominence from top)

Kym-  look at the waves coming off the sun!  kewl!!!

Adam- We have to be going now.  We have a test in science tomorrow!

Thaerin- yeah, we better study!

Kym- It’s going to be one uber easy test, if we study!

All- thanks Mr. Noodletop!!

Noodletop-  come back again anytime!  Bye!

Adam- Wow!  That was fun!

Kym- Yeah!  Can’t wait to go back.

Thaerin- Hey, how about going to the skate park and learning about physics tomorrow!

All- yeah!!!


puppets, podcast

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