
Apr 26, 2006 17:37

I downloaded iTunes onto the cybercafé computer and I'm listening to iTunes radio of music I looove! Ahhhh! I am soooo excited! But who calls themselves "Animal Couch"? You know? I like the song they had here though...

So. Lots of news. But I haven't really felt like telling anyone, which is why I haven't updated in a while.

ISP is going okay. I'm having some trouble with one of the schools I'm working with. The people are great, that's certainly no problem--but there are strikes here ALL the time. Every time I come to pick up my questionnaires there's some reason why they're not all there, and usually it has to do with strikes. Oh well.

I started writing my ISP already. I had a lot of fun with the formatting. I don't think my ISP itself will be really great, mostly because I'm not obsessed with it and I don't get much done when I'm not obsessed with things, but hey, who knows. I think I've learned a lot more here that's much more important than whether or not girls do better in school if they like their bodies or not. Although I do enjoy looking at the pictures they've drawn of the perfect body and their bodies.

Oddly enough, in the States I couldn't be in the same room with a cigarette, but here I'm surrounded by cigarettes all the time and they don't bother me much anymore. Then again, half the population smokes here. I have been coughing for about a week and a half, though. It's odd, because my throat isn't sore. Maybe it's the dust? Or maybe I'm dying slowly of second-hand smoke...hmm...

My mom sent me candy for Easter. I got the package yesterday. The problem is that my family here has never tried Reese's, so I wanted to share with them, and that my classmates are all homesick for Reese's, so I had to share with them. So I only got to eat two Reese's, which really sighs me, because they were the thing I missed absolutely the most candy-wise. I am such a selfish person. When my classmates got wind of the fact that I didn't really want to give away all my candy, they all said, "Has Senegal taught you nothing?!" Because here even though people have so little they share it all. I dunno. It's true that I'm selfish...but I still also think that it's a little selfish of my classmates wanting to eat all my candy and not let me eat it even when they know my mom mailed it to me because I miss it so much. So if we're all being selfish, why am I the one that gets yelled at about it?

People throw me off sometimes. Today a couple girls in my class yelled at me about things, and then mere minutes later one of them turned suddenly friendly on me and said we were like two peas in a pod. I never know when to trust people here...or ever, I guess. Ehm.

I've been at the cybercafé for a while now. I want to work some on my novel, but it's really distracting here. I was happily rereading it until I got to a part that I really needed to change for the sake of consistency, and I started to change it, but I just didn't have the time or the focus to finish it, and so now it's at a standstill. Alas, eh?

I don't think there's anything else to say, so I might as well stop rambling now. I might get on AIM if anybody wants to talk. I feel like listening to music, but since it's the radio and not one song on repeat, I can't really get much work done on my paper or my novel, so I might as well do something like chat.

I miss soap. Whenever I need soap and running water I can't seem to find it...I dislike the way my hands smell.
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