Jul 29, 2008 23:08
I really hate summer. Why? Because it makes me think about all the things that I can't do and that other people can. Like road trips, and internships and just plain old fun when ever they want to. I can't even sit and read a book if I wanted to, or journal. I can't even eat a meal sometimes when I'm hungry because motherhood calls. I have about 4 hours a day in which I can do what I want, and then what happens, Dan calls me from work telling me needs to me to do laundry for him tomorrow so I need to do that during Montana's nap-time. MY time, My time to sit on my ASS thank you very much. So just think how lucky you are that you have the freedom to sit on your butt and do whatever you want. Today I was stuck on the couch for an hour because Montana wanted to take a nap...on top of me because she wouldn't take her normal nap. Granted, it was very cute, but i would at least liked to get up to go to the bathroom and I didn't want to disturb her because I wouldn't want to wake up a cranky toddler. At least Dan brought me a pillow.
My place has been in the kitchen and cleaning up after Montana all day. The same thing, everyday. I went on one trip this summer and it was still in the UP!! I'm feeling very loserish right now. And all my close friends have moved away and when you go to school and have a child and a husband and a house to clean it is very hard to get a new BFF. I don't have time for a BFF. I hate the term BFF. To have a BFF you have to like talk to them, like everyday and sit on the phone for an hour. I don't have an hour to sit on the phone! There's always poopy diapers, or something that Montana needs from me and during the school year I need every ounce of free time to do homework. I was on the phone for an extended period of time and I had to put Montana in a time-out for misbehaving. I truly believe most people have given up on me by now. College students at least. If I want to do something fun I need a couple days notice.
I'm really hating being on campus. Three people I know have bought a house this summer and one is renting a very nice one for cheap. We can't even buy a decent car. I just feel stuck in this town home that isn't much bigger than a two bedroom apartment. And then I have to deal with other people's kid outside who are 4 and 6 years old and UNSUPERVISED doing whatever the hell they want because their parents don't want to play with them or watch them. I've seen kids almost hit by cars. They are very neglected and needy. Today, certain people that live here left their kid outside and both parents drove away and came back an hour later. They left their 6 yr old daughter home alone. I will never to do that to Montana. Or other parents. If you asked me to watch your kid fine, but not forced upon me. So, if you don't care that your kids are playing in the parking lot and in the dumpsters, I don't really care. I don't really mean that. I don't want them playing in my child's poop or rotten meat that ends up in the dumpster. GROSS. So I'm nice to the kids and I yell at them when they are doing something wrong and their parents don't even know what I say to their kids or if I'm some creep-o.
I'm just frustrated with this stupid place. I need a change in environment. Fast.
BTW, I love Montana and am happy I have her. I just get stressed out!