Sep 11, 2004 21:45
ive always been the loud and hyper one thats not afraid to be noticed
but when id dance if i new i was better then every one then id dance
with expression and id look awesome but when i got around ppl who were
probably better then me id freak out and i wouldnt dance full out and i
wouldnt even smile. but now that im used to every body im soo not
scared to dance with expression and that exactly my goal for this year.
that when ever i dance i dance with expression so i can tell and show
every one my true ability bc i no im not as good as my paigey and reli
and i probably will never be that good but at least i can keep up and i
can be notice as a good dancer and cheerleaders. and i dont think i
would have come out of my shell at dancing with out the help of my
paigey bc i luv her to death and she is awesome and she is so my
inspiration bc she is such and awesome dancer and just and all around
great person that doesnt care what other ppl think and she can just go
ne where and be herself and have funn!
DANCE to express and god will be impressed:-D