I've been debating the merits of buying Kid Delf Yuz and turning him into a girl. The more I thought about it, the more I decided it was a good plan. Leaving aside the fact that I just bought Delf If, that is.
Yuz has such a nice face, I just had to buy him/her. Besides I only have 4 MSD-sized dolls. I needed another one...
I also bought a girl body and too many clothes and shoes. As you do.
It does mean though that I'll have a Kid Delf Boy body for sale once Yuz arrives! I suppose then I'll make back some of the money I've just spent and spent and spent!
No more for a while, this is almost embarrassing. Although, if you think this is bad... you wouldn't believe what
tonto65 did! But I'll leave him to tell you about that, when he gets around to it.