In August Mum, Dad, Tonto and I went to the South Australian Doll and Teddy Bear Show. We usually go along because even though there is never a BJD in sight, there's always lots of possible BJD sized stuff. Some years have had seriously slim pickings, but this year I cleaned up! A wonderful lady was selling hats for Teddy Bears - and they were conveniently the right size for some of my dolls. Mina scored a hat, as did Percy and Imogen. I haven't been able to wrestle this hat off Mina since she laid eyes on it. I like shows like that, we usually go to another one in Woodville each year and wander around quietly carrying a BJD each. It's wonderful having little old ladies come up to you and say 'Is that one of those Asian dolls, I've seen them in a magazine' and want to just look at every inch of our dolls. They are always so sweet and complimentary to the girls. We don't take them along to the August show though, it's very much full of trading tables and a bit of a press with the crowd. Mina's also wearing her beautiful choker, made by
kittenishdolls. I love this choker, it's perfect for her. I do love your work Jess :-), i'm sad that you've shut down shop.
So here's Mina and her 'new' hat!