Aug 31, 2006 13:14
So, yes, I've been lacking on my lj lately. I've sadly been content with myspace for a few months now. Although I still do enjoy my livejournal. If I've missed anything big please let me know, I'm sorry, I haven't kept up with everyone recently. My life has been kind of up in the air recently. I lost my manager job at tally's grille due to downsizing, and I really beat myself up over it. Then my best friend Becca got into town, and after four years of not being able to see her, or even talk to her in the middle of the day, I've been very distracted by her being back. It's so nice to talk to someone you care about so much, not at 3:30 in the morning, when you're either asleep, or drunk. Becca and I, found a really nice place off high, and we've settled in nicely. A bit too nicely in some ways, but still nicely. And I found a job that in a lot of ways suits me very well. It gets boring at times, but that's what books are for. *wink* Sometimes I feel like I work there more off the clock then I do when I'm on the clock. *shrugs* But I know I've impressed everyone who works there with my performance, so it makes me feel good. Anywho, that's about it in the life Of SuZi_Q.