Feb 09, 2009 05:19
So, my birthday isn't until Tuesday, but on the 8th (Sunday), we went to Casa Larga for wine tasting and other various wine related things-- including a tour with a killer bird and a Dalek attack (Erica's new text message noise is a Dalek saying "Exterminate!" and it went off in the middle of the tour in a kinda dark basement room of the vineyard... and Susan D, Erica, and I were laughing hysterically... apparently I was trying so hard to hold the laughter in that I turned about 6 shades of red and also purple. LoL. It was a great time.
Then we went to dinner at the India House (Joel, My Dad, Iain, Susan D, Sisan, Erica, Brian Wong, Brittany, Dave, Christina and I) and thorougly enjoyed good food and the best server in the world and much hilarity ensued there as well. Brian Wong, Christina and Erica had to leave after dinner for work related purposes, which was lame, but understandable and I love them dearly and am so glad they came to dinner, etc.
Afterwards, some of us (Joel, Sisan, Iain and Susan D, Brittany and Dave) went back to my house for a rousing game of Apples to Apples and presents and cookie cake!! Iain and Susan got me an expansion for Arkham Horror which I cannot WAIT to play, Christina got me socks and a gift card for Old Navy, and Sisan got me an epic collection of things for the summer-- a great bag with a huge orange flower on it and an orange inside, adorable sunglasses, a playable Candyland towel, and trashy vampire romance novel!! It really put me in a summer-y mood, which I totally needed with all the snow and whatnot. It was of course amazingly fun and then Joel needed to go home because he has a cold, poor fiance-face and that sort of triggered everyone else to go home (lame), except for Sisan who was trapped there at my mercy! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sisan and I then proceeded to talk until about 2:30 in the morning, stopping every hour or so to say that I should probably take her home soon. Oops. It was so much fun and was definitely much needed girl-talk time. I'm so glad that everyone could come out and celebrate my birthday, especially Sisan because it got her out of her house and she suffered through foot pain/pain killer times being off/maybe making her mom mad (she stayed up until I brought Sisan home) to spend time with me on my birthday and it was freaking awesome.
It was an epic birthday and I am grateful for the awesome people in my life that I got to share it with. :-D
I love Joel.