Apr 11, 2006 19:15
I get a thrill from dodging bullets.
I have been running a little behind on things, but today I finally got a good chance to get caught up and even ahead and now I feel like I'm in a really good place.
I have gotten so much done today. There's still more today, but I'm much more confident than I was.
I fried a second integrated sound card today (in my laptop). There's no warranty this time, and I need it working right away, so I went ahead and bought a USB sound driver. It'll be fun because it's capable of 5.1 surround sound, so that'll open up a bunch of possibilities. We'll see how it does. I got the expedited shipping so I can get back to work ASAP. Hopefully Monday at the latest.
I might go Wal-mart tonight. And I need to do laundry. Plus find a FUCKING SWORD FIGHT!!! GODDAMN!!!
Things are awesome. Lots of stress, lots of challenges. Challenges have a tendency to bog me down for a while, but once I start to move on them and work through them I get really energized and blast them away. It's great. I love getting things done. Therefor, vicariously I like having things to do. See? logical.
Man. Today is great.