Chapter 7: Into It
The three of them played on the playground-William spun Sam around on the merry-go-round, Sam spun William around the merry-go-round, Buffy spun the both of them around; Buffy and Sam sat opposite on the teeter-totter, him teasing them that they didn’t weigh enough even combined and laughing when, by putting all of his weight on his end, he managed to keep them trapped up in the air for nearly five minutes; they had fun on the swings; Sam even managed, much to her mother’s amusement, to get William to go down the slide.
And on more than one occasion (many more) Buffy had to stop the thought that tried to make it self known in her mind. The thought that said, “Angel would never act like this with Sam….Angel never HAS acted like this with her.” She couldn’t let herself think that, at least not consciously.
So after their short ice cream trip had turned into a three hour outing, Buffy suggested that they leave soon.
“You know, I think we should get going pretty soon, we’ve been here for awhile and I should tell Angel the good news. Don’t you think?”
And she only felt slightly guilty, upon seeing her daughter’s crestfallen look, that she was only suggesting they leave so that she’d have an easier time with her thoughts.
“Yeah,” William said looking at Sam, “That sounds like a good idea, going to have to get back home and make sure that I have everything all ready for us to start school soon, right bit?”
Sam seemed to brighten at being reminded of just why it was they were celebrating with ice cream and the impromptu playground trip, “Yep, when are we starting again?”
Buffy was the one to answer that one, “Your father and I still have to talk about that….well William too.”
“No, you two figure it out, I’m fine for whenever, not like I’m doing much of anything else.” William assured her.
“If you’re sure,” Buffy waited until he nodded in the affirmative before continuing, “But we really do need to get going….and Sam, you’ll get to see William again, promise.”
“I know,” Sam said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “But when?” she drew the last word out, making her mother smile.
“When you dad and I decide that’s wheeeeeeeeenn.” Buffy mimicked her daughter.
Sam just laughed at Buffy, “I don’t sound like.” Sam cam running over to grab her hand and began pulling her out of the playground leaving William to follow behind.
‘Sorry’ Buffy mouthed to William as she gave him an apologetic look over her shoulder.
He just smiled.
“Hey, poppet, slow down for an old man, yeah?”
He laughed when Sam turned on him with an indignant look, “You’re not old, mister...if you were old you wouldn’t have gone on the teeter-totter, Dad says he’s too old for that, so see, you’re not old.” And for the second time that day, William thought, ‘Gotta love little kid logic.”
Despite he little diatribe the little girl did slow down, waiting until he caught up to them before resuming walking.
Once they’d reached the car they all got in and headed back to the school, in surprising silence, well surprising on Sam’s part at least as she had hardly stopped talking since they’d departed the high school hours before.
During the fifteen minutes it took them to get back to the school (the traffic lights weren’t as kind to them this time) Sam didn’t say a single word. It wasn’t until they reached the school parking lot that she spoke up, “Are you still going to be fun?” she asked with a tinge of fear in her voice.
“What do you mean sweetheart?” Buffy asked her daughter who hadn’t looked at either of the adults in the car when she’d asked her question.
“ I had fun at the playground and you played with me,” she explained looking in William’s direction but not directly at him. “But will you still play with me when I have school.”
“Well, bit, I won’t be able to play with when we’re doing the actual school part but during breaks and after school, then I can…why would you think I wouldn’t?” He didn’t think he’d given her any indication that today’s fun had been going to be a one time thing.
“I still get recess? Even cos there’s no other kids?” Sam asked in surprise.
“Of course you still get to have recess and I think I should play with you especially because there aren’t any other kids. But I can’t promise I’ll be able to everyday, I might have other things that I need to do, okay?” William explained carefully.
Buffy couldn’t believe how well William was handing this, not only had he understood perfectly what her daughter had meant, but he’d managed to explain things clearly and simply without being condescending. Something not everyone could manage.
He was going make a great teacher.
The next few days were pretty much a blur for Buffy, between convincing Angel that Mr. Giles had called her to say that he was going to take the job-he would never have approved of her going to see him--to assuring Sam that William would be here soon. Luckily Angel didn’t pay much attention to his daughter and she didn’t ask him about William; Buffy wasn’t sure how she was going to explain to Angel why her daughter was calling Mr. Giles, William; to getting everything for her daughter’s schooling prepared.
All in all, Buffy was exhausted by the time, the next Thursday, the day William and Sam were to begin school, arrived. William was to come at 8 o’clock so that he could talk to Angel for a few minutes before he left for work-he was going in several hours late today, but “just this once.”
William was supposed to show Angel his lesson plans for the next few weeks and see if Angel had any question, but as Buffy had expected that’s not exactly what happened.
“Good morning, William,” Angel said as William came into his office, “Buffy, could you come in here for a moment while I talk to Mr. Giles?” Angel asked over his phone’s intercom.
Knowing he wasn’t waiting for a reply, he never did, Buffy sarcastically said, “Of course, dear? Anything your wifey can bring you?” Angel never came to ask her anything, and he also expected her to call William Mr. Giles....’Wonder what he’d say if he knew both Sam and I are calling him William?” she mused.
“Mommy! Mommy! Is it time for school yet?” Sam asked as she came bounding down the stairs;
“Not yet, cupcake, but almost, Mommy needs to go talk with William and Dad for a few minutes about what William’s going to teach you….then it’ll be time for school.” Buffy had been worried about giving her daughter a tutor instead of sending her to school where she’d be able to spend time with other kids her age, but she doubted Sam would have been as excited about that plan.
“Okay, I’m gonna go finish the picture I’m making for William!”
Buffy caught her before she made it back up the stairs, “Going to, Sam, you’re going to finish the picture-not gonna.”
“Sorry, mommy. I’m going to finish the picture for William.” Sam corrected.
“Good girl. Now I’ll come get you when it’s time.” She watched as her daughter made her way up the stairs, a big smile planted on the girls face, making Buffy smile before she made her way to the big mahogany door that led into Angel’s office. “Angel, you wanted to talk to me?” Buffy asked as she made her way into his office.
“Buffy,” Angel said still not believing that he wasn’t allowed to call her Elizabeth, Buffy sounded so silly for someone that was an O’Connors wife, “I was hoping you’d be able to look over William’s lessons plans with me,” He didn’t notice how panicked William looked at the mention of him looking at the man’s lesson plans-no one had told William Angel would be looking at his lesson plans. “But…” Angel continued, “I don’t really think I have the time to do it myself, I really need to get into the office, so could you just do it, hun?”
“Sure, maybe we could go site on the patio, though, there’s more room for him to lay his papers out?” Buffy asked and not just because she was trying to get William to calm down as he looked about ready to burst, but also because there truly wasn’t any room in Angel’s office.
“That’s fine I need to be going anyway. Good luck William.” And with that he was gone, walking out of his office, down the hall, out the front door, and driving away in his fancy Porsche that they could see through the office window.
‘He’s got all this money and he buys a Porsche’ William though, “how cliché, the least he could do was buy a Bentley or some kick ass old car…maybe an Eldorado, yeah, a nice shiny black Eldorado convertible. Now that I could do.’
Turning his attention back to Buffy, William smiled slightly at her before saying, “Just thinking he’s got a stupid car, sorry, luv---shall we go onto the patio now?”
“Sure, we should at least talk about what we’re going to tell Angel you’re teaching Sam so that on the off chance he actually asks me anything, I know what to tell him. But we need to hurry up, Sam’s becoming very impatient. “
Once they’d made it out to the patio, William waited for Buffy to sit in one of the wrought iron chairs before sitting down across from her. “You know,” he started, “I should be very mad at you right about now…had me scared shitless in there. ‘Look over William’s lesson plans with me!’” William mocked in a horrid imitation of Angel’s voice. “I thought I was going to pass out right there…..’Well sir, you know how you told me that I was going to teach your daughter how to be a proper young lady and all that rot. Well I decided you were an arrogant poofter and I didn’t want to work for you, but they your lovely wife Buffy here convinced me that I could teach her actual stuff and you’d never find out, so you see I don’t have any lesson plans to show you, at least not any you’ll find acceptable.’ Yeah, luv, that would have gone over well… couldn’t have given me some warning maybe?” He finally stopped to take a breath…and glare at her.
“Relax.” Buffy said with a grin, “I know Angel, I have been married to him for over 6 years after all, he wasn’t going to check anything, just thought that you’d expect him to so he made it look like he was going to…it was all for appearances, so you’d think he actually cared about Sam. And would you have believed me if’d I told you all this earlier?”
“No,” he admitted begrudgingly.
“Well, then, shall we talk about what we’re going to tell my husband you’re teaching our daughter?”
The next chapter might be a bit delayed (or, very unlikely, a lot delayed). I don't know if I'll have internet before the 21st...but the chaps are more likely to be updated here than anywhere else. Please review :D