Jan 24, 2008 09:39
Lots of homework, but it looks like I am actually kinda getting it done. I have to do my practice problem for sweet corn scheduling, and do lots of reading, but other than that I am good. Already I am starting a bad habit with the reading for class. I dont so much actually read it, just kinda scan it for the bold headings and things that look interesting. This could probably be a bad thing.
So, My first management test is not this next week but the week after that. Our prof gave us a couple of questions that he said would be pretty easy, but I dont know if it will actually be easy. It seems to be alot of conceptual stuff coupled with theory and vocab. I just need to study. And actually study. On the plus side, management is going to be my only "tough" class. Granted, my ag finance class has alot of theory and economics in it, but since it is an upper level I have had all the econ before and the graphs look familiar. Yay for having a class that is finally making sense of all the random graphs and such.
Today I have class again from 11-12:20. Then I have to work from 1-4. Then I have an equestrian club meeting at 6. From what I hear, we will be doing another mailing at work. We are still trying to catch up from the annual conference, so there are large piles on my desk. I am kinda okay with that though, because it means job security :p. The other day I was asked to file some stuff, and it turned out that the member information forms that I was told to file weren't entered in the computer. So, I spent probably 20 minutes searching through the files and pulling out the not entered forms that had been filed. On the plus side, it was fairly easy to find the forms, and it was all good. Then, for the rest of the day yesterday I typed up the written responses on the annual conference evaluation forms. It was exciting, because I got to see what people thought of the conference, and I got all the forms typed up! Go go super intern!!!
Every day of the week this semester I have at least an hour block between the early two classes of the day. It is kind of nice, but on the other hand I feel like I should be doing something. So, instead of reading for finance, I am sitting here with my sweet corn scheduling practice problem at my side, and my planner open in front of me, typing a long and random lj entry... :) I love procrastination.
In other news, It is so nice to not have the equestrian club treasurer thing anymore. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the office and it made me feel productive/gave me something to be frustrated about, but it is great to just ride the bus to campus, then ride the bus back home. I love not having to run here or run there between classes, but it just seems funny because the semester where I actually have time to run random errands, I dont actually have any random errands to run. There are of course still random errands that I have to do for personal stuff, but there is no running to the horse barns, the mu, and beardshear and back again to get things signed or drop stuff off or make deposits. It is going to be really weird to just go to an equestrian club meeting and sit there... :) Must remember to pay my dues..... Also, we finally get our clothes that we ordered last semester. I am excited for horsey sweatpants. It is always exciting to get a pair of kickaround pants that actually fit, or at least I hope so.
Okay, I think the randomness is done.