Oct 06, 2006 14:06
My workaholic side is taking over a bit. I thought to myself this morning, "God, I really can't afford to go home for October Break, I have so much work I can get ahead on..." And then I mentally slapped myself.
I need this break, I need to see my family. This time last year, I'd already gone home most weekends. This'll be my third time total going home so far this semester, and one of those times was just for dinner. It's true, there's a lot of stuff I could stay and work on, but I NEED TO GO HOME. Not that I'm going to be sitting on my ass, at all... I'm bringing a lot of work with me, plus:
-Tomorrow I'm doing a bethic macroinvertebrate survey in the Tankerhoosen from 9-2 for the Friends of the Hockanum River Watershed
-Sunday my family is spending the day at Uconn for Cornucopia Fest
-Monday and Tuesday will most likely be spent either kayaking and fishing for pike around home, or fishing in the white boat in Niantic for porgy and tautog
I've also been chronically late to EVERYTHING lately, and I've even just completely forgotten to go to a few meetings and appointments. I'm hoping that I can get my head straightened out a bit over break, and come back fresh and ready to actually be on time for once. This is no way to show people I'm responsible, so it needs to change.
I've already done a lot of what I had to get done before break, I just need to clean my room, pack a few things, drive Dan and Kiki to the bus station in NoHo, and then I'm dropping Leah off in Bloomfield on my way home.
So close.