What I've been up to . . .

Jun 30, 2012 15:24

What I've been up to lately . . . well, obviously not blogging . . . *hangs head in shame*)

But one thing was yesterday's trip to London to Covent Garden Waterstones where awesome urban fantasy author pal Ben Aaronovitch was signing stacks of his fab new book - Whispers Under Ground - the third in his brilliant Rivers of London series. (And there was taste-tastic 'Book Cake' to munch on too! (made by the lovely Jackie of Fabulous Cakes! :-))

Here's Ben with Cake!

Ben and fellow author James Swallow with JK Rowling sneakily getting in on the action behind!
 Oh, and of course, since I was in a bookshop I had to buy books! *g*

The Impossible Dead - Ian Rankin, The Golden Lily - Richelle Mead, Hexed and Hammered - Kevin Hearne.
Then I popped into Gollancz Towers to meet up with my fabulous editor, Gillian (and say hello to the rest of the Gollancz team *waves* :-)) and, since you can never have enough books, liberated a few more from Gillian's well-stocked editorial bookshelves*. *g*

The Armageddon Rag - GRRM, Tangle of Need - Nalini Singh, The Masque of the Red Death - Bethany Griffin, Fenrir & Lord of Slaughter - M.D. Lachlan
And while I was there I bumped into lovely YA author Bethany Griffin (at Gollancz Towers to do a video Q and A which will probably be on the Gollancz/Indigo FB page soon'ish). Bethany was lovingly holding two proof copies of her new book - The Masque of the Red Death - a book I've had my beady reader's eye on for a while - so I fixed her with my 'manic must have that book' stare and she thrust a copy at me while backing away fast I asked her if I could have a copy and she was kind enough to give me one. Even got her to sign it too! :-)

Doesn't she have gorgeous penmanship! My own is more like chicken scratchings *sigh*
And as you can see by its slightly battered appearance I started The Masque of the Red Death on the train home - and I'm LOVING it!

As for what I've been doing when not visiting London, authors, publishers and liberating books . . . I've been busy checking the page proofs* for The Shifting Price of Prey. *inserts obligatory self-promo* Out in paperback and ebook at the end of August (UK)!

So what have you all been up to?

*page proofs are physical copies of how the book will be printed and have to be checked for errors, like typos and weird authorial blips, that have somehow survived the previous million times the book has been read up to this point, in the hope that they can be eliminated from the final copy.

ben aaronovitch, md lachlan, book haul, bethany griffin, nalini singh, jm swallow, ian rankin

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