Summoning the Night! (giveaway)

Apr 24, 2012 12:51

Happy Release Day to the lovely Jenn Bennett for

Summoning the Night

The fabulous Book 2 in the Awesome Arcadia Bell urban fantasy series!

Yay! Congratulations, Jenn!

And look! When Mr Postman brings me my copy, 'Put-Upon Hound' will pose with it just like this! *g* (Yep, the pic's 'shopped ;p)

"So, how do you know book 2 is fabulous?" I hear you ask.

"Why, because I've already read it, of course!" :-D

When Jenn's first book - Kindling the Moon - came out, I bought it, read it, LOVED it (Hound not so much, but hey, if it's not food, she's just that not into it *shrug*) then I stalked Jenn until she gave me suggested to Jenn that if she had a copy of Summoning the Night finished I'd be thrilled to read it. My nefarious plotting worked She said yes! Yay! And I can tell you, if you liked Kindling (and Cady, Lon (*fans herself*) and the adorable Jupe!), then you're gonna LOVE Summoning, which has lots more of all three, plus a super-cool story!

So in celebration of Summoning's release day and to spread the reading love I'm giving away a copy! Woot! (Full details at end of post).

But that's not all!

If the winner hasn't read Kindling (and is OCD like me likes to read a series in order) then they'll get both books. Or if the winner has read Kindling they can choose a different book from one of my fav authors (see below: includes me ... *g*).

So what do you have to do for a chance to win these two fabulous books?
Simply tell me in the comments what's been your favourite read, so far, this year!
(Full giveaway rules and details below the cut)

So what are you waiting for? Go leave a comment and enter!

Here's a fun guest post Jenn did about authors' mothers for the blog last year (with added - unsanctioned - Buffy!) *looks innocent*

Check out Jenn Bennett's website
Jenn on twitter
Jenn's facebook page

SUMMONING THE NIGHT: Arcadia Bell Book 2 (Available now! Yay!)


After narrowly escaping her fate as a sacrificial scapegoat, Arcadia Bell is back to normal. Or at least as ordinary as life can be for a renegade magician and owner of a tiki bar that caters to Earthbound demons. She’s gearing up for the busiest day of the year-Halloween-when a vengeful kidnapper paralyzes the community. The influential head of the local Hellfire Club taps Cady to track down the fiendish bogeyman, and now that she’s dating red-hot Lon Butler, the club’s wayward son, she can hardly say no.

Cady and Lon untangle a gruesome thirty-year trail of clues that points to danger for the club members’ children. But locating the person behind the terror will require some metaphysical help from Cady’s loyal bar patrons as well as her potent new Moonchild powers-and she’d better figure it out before the final victim disappears and her own darkest secret becomes her biggest enemy.

Full Giveaway Details

-Tell me in the comments what's been your favourite read, so far, this year!
-Leave a way for me to contact you - email address (replace @ with at to foil the spammers), twitter name (no contact details means no entry, sorry).
-Winner will be chosen by and notified by email and on the blog here. If I don't hear back within 7 days from winner then a new winner will be chosen, so keep an eye out :-).
-1 entry per person (enter here or on my blog)
-Giveaway open internationally where Book Depository deliver.
-Giveaway closes May 1, 2012, at midnight GMT time.
-1 random winner will received 2 books: a copy of Summoning the Night and Kindling the Moon, or if winner has read Kindling then they can choose 1 book from these authors:
Jaye Wells
Nicole Peeler
Ann Aguirre
Allison Pang
Chole Neil
Jennifer Estep
Suzanne McLeod :-)

joyce summers, giveaways, summoning the night, guest post, buffy, jenn bennett, book birthdays, kindling the moon

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