Teasing Octopi FTW!

Aug 06, 2011 12:40

I am in the Writing Cave trying to wrangle The End of The Shifting Price of Prey sometime very soon *begs the God of Writing*, so apologies for all the quiet round here. The squirrels are digging holes and burying cob nuts in our lawn, and I'd show you a cool picture of a fox, if I could work out how to get it off our new camera . . . so as I epic-fail at that, here's a taster of what the Writing Cave is like just now*

And a Teaser Snippet* from page 69 . . .

‘Are you saying you don’t want to have sex with me?’ I snapped out. ‘Because, spell or no, that isn’t the impression I’ve got.’

His black eyes turned opaque and unreadable. ‘Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol is performing scenes from Scars of Dracula all this week, Genevieve. I would be honoured if one night you would attend as my guest, and after the show, it would be my pleasure if you would join me for refreshments.’

*(only without the political commentary)
* Warning: unedited, so subject to change
* Why yes, I am procrastinating, how did you guess?

all quiet on the blogging front, the shifting price of prey, the end soon, pleas to the writing gods, teaser snippet, ooh malik, octopi ftw

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