My Favorite Things: Interview + Giveaway! (Plus Snippet!)

Jun 14, 2011 17:36

So, I've been awol on the blog recently. Sorry about that! Partly, I'm hard at work in the Writing Cave, y'know, writing - *g* - which is going pretty well storywise, if I do say so myself :-D.

Plus there's some other stuff going on that's kept me away. So, I also want to say if you're waiting on something from me, and I know a few folk are, I'm very, very sorry, and please, be patient with me. I'm trying to catch up as soon as I can.

Anyway, I'm popping in to say that the lovely Kristin over at My Bookish Ways interviewed me about My Favourite Things - why not head over there and find out how I once had to race a swarm of zombies . . . Eek!

There's a giveaway too! Winner's choice of one of my books (The post says The Cold Kiss of Death, but I'm happy to offer a choice of #1, #2 or #3 :-D)

*And to say sorry in a more substantive way, here's a small snippet from The Shifting Price of Prey! Enjoy! (totally unedited, so please ignore any typos etc. :-))

‘You’re free as a- Oh, wow!’ Katie’s eyes rounded with amazement as she pointed at the park. ‘Look, Genny!’

I looked.

The unicorn was galloping flat out through the park towards us. And ‘wow!’ didn’t begin to cover it. Its copper-coloured coat reflected the last rays of the sunset, its mane streamed behind it in a ripple of verdigris and bronze, and its horn flickered amber and gold like the light inside a dragon’s tear. It radiated pure happiness as it ran and watching it lifted my spirit and made everything seem right with the world. Heart beating joyfully in my chest, I stared transfixed; it was so long since I’d seen it and I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed it. It skidded to a stop the other side of the iron railings, wrinkled its horsy lip and gave a fluting whistle, as if to say ‘over here’ then trotted towards the park gate. Katie jumped off her bike, and before I could grab her, was off running.

x/posted from blog: comment here or there.

the shifting price of prey, interviews, giveaways, the cold kiss of death, snippet

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