Signing Notes, Cupcakes and Winner: Magic Slays

May 10, 2011 19:22

So the signing on Sunday with Ben Aaronovitch! I had a fantastic time, the staff at Waterstone's Covent Garden were extremely well organised and corralled us in the window display so we couldn't escape had everything all set up for us: Pens, tea (me), diet coke (Ben), table, chairs, and of course, the most important, plenty of wonderful books* ready to sign for willing victims bribed with sweeties happy readers!

Here's Ben and I showing off our books! Please note I have one more than Ben . . . *gets competitive*, though Ben's photographic stance is much more practiced than mine; you can see both his books in full, and read the titles! (I was going for the artistic effect! Note to self: stick with plain and simple in future! *g*)

Thanks to Neil C Ford for the picture

Ben is a pleasure to sign with, and a very witty guy (though, if you've read his books, you'll already know that :-D) - and despite my rabid jealousy over him being a Sunday Times Bestselling Author, signing more books than me, and my frequent threats to summarily despatch him to the fiery pits of author hell with one of my Spellcrackers pencils much chat and fun was had by all. It was brilliant to see some familiar faces - *waves* at Neil, Michelle, Liz, Mark, Marc, and others (you know who you are :-)), and exciting to meet lovely new readers! Thanks so much to all of you for coming, and thanks to Waterstone's for being wonderful bookshop hosts!

And a huge thank you to the awesome Jackie, who was an absolute star and made us these super scrumptious cupcakes! With miniature copies of our actual books as decorations! Wow!!! Jackie, You Rock, Lady!!

Click to embiggen and see the cupcake fabulousness in all its glorious detail.

A close up!

*I know I'm being shameless here, calling my own books wonderful, though Ben had books there too, and his really are wonderful :-D

Winner of Magic Slays

Thanks to everyone who left comments about their favourite part of a wedding - some of you even shared my enjoyment of the cake, toast and bubbly bit *g*

And now for the winner of  Magic Slays (Kate Daniels, Book 5)
by Ilona Andrews! has spoken . . .

and the winner is


Who said...

When my aunt got married, an orange tabby cat jumped on the train of her dress and played with the flowers that the flower-girl dropped. We always joke around that the cat was trying to steal the bride because she was so pretty. :D

I think my favorite part of weddings (at least in this case) is the infectious laughter. Everyone is happy and smiling. The little things that make a wedding unique really bring out the joy of the occasion. 
Congratulations Deb! An email is on its way to you!

What's Happening Next!

Thanks again to everyone for entering this giveaway, and all the other celebratory giveaways! (And especially for buying my new books!) I hope you all had fun, and look out for more some time in the future! Until then, normal blogging will be resumed, which translates as - The Deadline of Doom is Looming, so I'm chained to my laptop in the Writing Cave, so posting will hopefully be weekly, but is likely to be a bit more intermittent than that, while I spend time torturing my characters in order to fully live up to my Evil Author persona. *g*

ben aaronovitch, cupcakes, giveaways, winner, signings

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