Six Things Make a Post!

Apr 27, 2011 21:16

So the US edition of  The Cold Kiss of Death released yesterday! Yay! And there's a couple of places below where you could win a copy - and even if you've already read it (Thank you!), then why not enter anyway . . . you could always gift the book to friend if you win! (Books are always my favourite gifts, along with chocolate, of course *g*)

1. I'm interviewed at The Qwillery - head on over to find out about my strange writing quirks (involves hopping!) + there's a giveaway for one lucky commentator for The Sweet Scent of Blood
and The Cold Kiss of Death. (Int. Ends May 4). The Qwillery also reviewed The Cold Kiss of Death here (She liked it! Woot! *g*)

2. The wonderful Mardel over at Rabid Reader is holding a Book Birthday giveaway for winner's choice of The Sweet Scent of Blood or The Cold Kiss of Death. (Int. Ends May 6)

3. I had a brilliant, albeit short time* at Eastercon over the weekend! It was great to see old, and new friends, and meet some fab folk in RL that I've only e-met before. Sadly, because of my short time there, I missed meeting up with lots more folk, and only managed to get to one panel (Combative women in SF & F - which I thoroughly enjoyed). So I now have a plan for next year to make sure I go for longer!

My reading* went well (in spite of me never having read to anyone other than my crit group before). I read about half of 'Full-Scale Demolition' which is the prequel Spellcrackers short story that will be in the Home Improvement: Undead Edition
anthology out in August.I think I only fluffed it a couple of times! Sorry, folks! And our audience were kind enough to applaud! Thank you to all who were there :-). I read with Dan Abnett (who writes some very cool, and funny science fiction). There's another pic of me over at Warpcoresf.

4. Is a reminder for the week's celebratory giveaway for Jennifer Estep's Tangled Threads (or winner's choice of an earlier book in her series). You can enter here until midnight (GMT) April 28.(Int.)

5. There's the bonus giveaway for the first six peeps in the US to send me pictures of The Cold Kiss of Death on an actual shelf, in an actual book store in the US! I'll send them each 6 Spellcrackers Bling Pencils (one of each colour available - and yes they are sparkly Swarovski Crystals on the ends!). Email your pics to contest at spellcrackers dot com (remembering to replace 'at' and 'dot' with @ and . :-)), with Spellcrackers Pencil Contest in the subject line. And don't forget to tell me which city the store is in, please. *curious*

6. And there's yet another chance to win a copy of The Cold Kiss of Death (or choice of lots of other cool books!) over at Preternatura (Suzanne Johnson's blog) in her New Releases post . (Int. Ends April 29)

*Yep, I know the post is short too; as I'm in Deadline Hell. Sorry!
*Apologies for forgetting the mini eggs and liquorice torpedoes :-( 
*The pics are inspiring me to do the diet and exercise thing. Sitting around and hitting the keyboard is just not conducive to keeping the pounds off. And no, I don't need to be all sylph-like, but I really do need to fit into, and feel more comfortable, in my clothes.*sigh*

giveaways, the cold kiss of death, eastercon, qwillery, I ♥ rabid reader

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