Giveaway: Iron Crowned - Richelle Mead

Feb 19, 2011 14:23

One of the things  I love when it comes to writing and reading about faeries/fairies/fae/fay is the sheer variety there is to choose from, as there are hundreds of myths, legends and stories from all corners of the world. It's always a joy to discover a particular faerie that fits right in with the tale I'm telling, and lots of fun deciding how to tweak them to make them my own.

Plus it's endlessly fascinating to see how other authors use the fae in their own stories. So far the different faeries in my books are mostly taken from the Celtic, Norse and European myths, but as I write more stories about Genny and Co., well, you never know who, or what might make an appearance . . . *teases* :-)

And after talking about faeries, it's not surprising that my celebratory giveaway this week (# 6) is for Richelle Mead's (blue_succubus  ) Iron Crowned, #3 in the Dark Swan series, which has a whole otherworld full of fay, and a character who is half kitsune: a Japanese fox shapeshifter.

But first I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone for helping me celebrate, and especially to those of you who have already read, and loved The Bitter Seed of Magic ( #3) which had its official UK release date on the 17th Feb.(1st time in print). Yay! Happy Book B'day to TBSOM!   
Cake* and bubbly for all!

And don't forget to check out the side bar for links to where you could win your own copy of The Bitter Seed of Magic!

Plus, of course, in a few weeks time we'll be celebrating again when ...

The Cold Kiss of Death - Spellcrackers # 2 releases in the US on 26th April (out now in the UK)

But now, before we get back to this week's fabulous giveaway book ...

US cover out 22nd Feb
 Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead

I'd like to say Many Congratulations to Richelle and her husband on the wonderful, exciting news that they're expecting a bundle of baby joy later this year! Congratulations!

Here's the blurb for Iron Crowned ... Shaman-for-hire Eugenie Markham is the best at banishing entities trespassing in the mortal realm. But as the Thorn Land’s queen, she’s fast running out of ways to end the brutal war devastating her kingdom. Her only hope: the Iron Crown, a legendary object even the most powerful gentry fear…

Who Eugenie can trust is the hardest part. Fairy king Dorian has his own agenda for aiding her search. And Kiyo, her shape-shifter ex-boyfriend, has every reason to betray her along the way. To control the Crown’s ever-consuming powers, Eugenie will have to confront an unimaginable temptation--one that will put her soul and the fate of two worlds in mortal peril…

UK cover out 31st March

Ooh, I'm so looking forward to this one!! Richelle is a lovely lady, and I adore all of her series, so I know this one is going to be a wonderful read!
You can read an excerpt from Iron Crowned here on Richelle's website!

So, for a chance to win your very own copy of Iron Crowned*, all you have to do is leave a comment telling me who, or what is your favourite faerie. Either a character from Fiction, TV, Film or a type from myth or legend.

Alternatively, leave your congratulations for Richelle on her wonderful news!

How to enter:

Leave a comment with your favourite faerie, or congratulations.

Please leave a way to contact you (email in comment: Please remember to replace @ with [at] to forestall spam - or your twitter name - no way to contact you - no entry).

Giveaway is international and closes end of day (GMT time) 24th Feb 2011

Full General Terms and Rules at the bottom of this post here.

And don't forget to check out the Giveaway Schedule here. And so you don't miss out on a chance of winning any of the wonderful books in the coming weeks, why not follow me? (following is not a condition of entry).

Please note: My usual blog policy is that I try to reply to all comments on the blog, but for ease of admin I won't be replying to any comments made on any of the giveaway posts during the 16 weeks. Sorry, but it makes it much harder to sort out the winner. I will still continue to reply to comments on any other post :-)
*Winner can choose an earlier book in the Dark Swan series instead.

* Sadly, this isn't the cake that we had at my writers' crit group on Thursday to celebrate (I'm way to disorganised for that), but I photoshopped it from here, and next time ! *she says with determination* I'm going to be getting one of these cool cakes! Just watch this space! *g*

x/posted from my blog: comment here or there. One entry per person.

richelle mead, faeries, giveaways, phtocakes, iron crowned, myths, the bitter seed of magic, the cold kiss of death, legends, cake, kitsune

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