Five Links of Fang-tastic Love!

Feb 14, 2011 16:57

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Hope you're having a Fang-tastic, heart-pumping, romantic time! *g*

Links of Love # 1.

Gollancz have a new Dark Fantasy Newsletter out, and you'll never guess who's the Guest Editor ... Lol! Well, okay, you probably will if you're reading this. *g* So, why not click on over and you can check out my editorial scribblings here, and there's a couple of great giveaways* to enter too!

Link of Love # 2

The lovely Book Chick City is hosting this!

and today's post is from the fabulous Louise Court, who is a Publicity Assistant at Orion/Gollancz. Louise lets us in on what it's like to work with all the wonderful books, and what happens when they're getting published. Oh, and she's giving away FOUR fang-tastic* books (one of which you might just recognise *g*).

Links of Love # 3 -  Rabid Reader has a contest for a signed book*! (scroll down the post to find it) Oh, wonder which one that is? *g*

Links of Love # 4 - Get your Enchanted Boarding Ticket and take a tour of Supernatural London over at Falcata Times ... and once your tour is over, there's another magical chance to win a Spellcracker of a book*!

Links of Love # 5 - Shoot a Valentine's Day arrow at your favourite lovers, and pin them down in a comment here, and you could be all loved-up with Cat & Bones in their new book: THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE - JEANIENE FROST.

Right, off to make romantic chocolate covered strawberries for Mr Mc - thanks to an idea given me by a a very sweet friend this morning :-) Pic spam may follow ;p

*This post is all about the book that shall not be mentioned here (shameless shelf promotion can only be taken so far ...), the same book that is officially released this Thursday!! Yay! And is already shipping from, The Book Depository, and has been spotted in the wild in Waterstone's in Edinburgh!

valentine's day, jeaniene frost, please please buy my books, I ♥ rabid reader, links of fangtastic love, the bitter seed of magic, gollancz dark fantasy, book chick city, supernatural capital tours

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