Winner - Green-Eyed Demon - Jaye Wells

Feb 03, 2011 17:16

Many thanks from Jaye and I to everyone that entered to congratulate Giguhl... err, Jaye Wells on her upcoming release of Green-Eyed Demon, # 3 in the Sabina Kane series! And remember Green-Eyed Demon is out today in the UK (and already shipping*), and on March 1st in the US.

And the winner is . . .

Corinne P (Coribee)

who said...

"D: I'm dying to read the next book, and it sounds like we've got our usual laughs from our favorite demon."

Congratulations, Corinne! An email is on its way to you!

Thanks again everyone!

Don't forget to check back for this week's giveaway when it goes live, which is

The Bitter Seed of Magic - #3 by yours truly (a.k.a. Suzanne McLeod *g*)

*My copy received on 1st Feb being given the stink-eye by the Hound - she's heard about the cat! :-D
Sorry for the winner's announcement being a bit late (had to beat the Migraine Monster back *sigh* ).


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