Halloween Trick or Treat Giveaway!

Oct 31, 2010 18:03

No tricks here *g*, but I have got a treat of a giveaway for you over on my blog ...

The Cold Kiss of Death is set around Halloween and features ghosts and all sorts of creatures of the night, and readers have told me it's SCARY and DISTURBING in places, so in celebration of this auspicious night, I'm going to give away a signed copy to one lucky commentator.

So, for a chance to win a signed copy of The Cold Kiss of Death #2 (or an ARC* of The Bitter Seed of Magic #3, if you've already got TCKOD) all you have to do is head on over here and leave me a comment telling me the last book, or scene in a book, that scared you.

Oh, and help yourself to a cookie... and no sniggering at my first attempts at decorating otherwise I'll send Genny round to hex you *g*">

Just baked!

All decorated!

Happy Skulls!

Bats galore and a couple of Vlad's coffins!
Recipe taken from here

On Saturday I was lucky enough to be interviewed at the Bridport Literary Festival about my books and my writing process, by Melissa (on the left below) who works at the Bridport Waterstone's and was super cool enough to tell me she loves my books! Yay! Hollie (on the right below, and who is also super cool as she loves my books too!) did a wonderful introduction at the start, and Melissa asked me some great questions, as did the audience afterwards, so the interview was fantastic fun.

The interview was held in the Bridport Arts Centre which is a beautiful classic style building. I really enjoyed myself and I hope everyone there did too. So thank you to all who came along, the folk at Bridport festival and all at Waterstone's for inviting me. There are more photos here.

Melissa (my excellent interviewer), yours truly, and Hollie (MC extraordinaire)at Bridport Literary Festival

* ARCs of The Bitter Seed of Magic will be sent out as soon as I receive them. I can't tell you what date yet, but hopefully soon!

interviews, giveaways, bridport literary fesitval, hallowe'en

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