Dames and Historical Deadlines!

May 02, 2010 10:06

I'm honoured to be a Dame for a Day over at the Deadline Dames*

where I'm blogging about London, its history, and these:

The Ravens at the Tower of London

but maybe not in the way you think *looks shifty*.

So why not head on over and take a look for yourself . . . oh, and if you leave a comment over there, you'll be in with a chance to win a copy of The Sweet Scent of Blood . So what are you waiting for? Go! Now! You know you want to *g*

*Yay! These Dames are some of my fav authors! Many thanks to the fab Kaz Mahoney for inviting me!


And now for something completely different! Yes, I threatened you with promised you tomato pic spam

Three different varieties of cherry tomatoes

Look we have flowers already! WooT!

3 tomato plants of the same variety - cherry type again

Eggplant**, cucumber and melon

2 different chilli plants (1 red, 1 yellow) and 1 bell pepper plant!

** the eggplant (aka aubergine) suffered a snap set back on its first night in the greenhouse (perpetrator unknown, but probably either mouse- or fox-like in origin), but has now rallied and looks like it's going to make it *phew*

tomatoes, dame for a day

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