Fangs for Morganville : Giveaway

Jun 19, 2009 18:25

Yay! Less than a month [okay, that's 27 days, 1 hour, 35 minutes and 17 seconds as I write this *g*] until The Cold Kiss of Death :: book 2 :: hits the virtual and real shelves of the book stores, and to continue my celebratory giveaways to help get the word out, here's this weeks contest - Fangs for Morganville!

!!Attention: Fan-Girl moment follows!!
One of my writing heros is Rachel Caine. I love her Weather Warden* books and when I heard she was writing about vampires . . . Well, squeeeeeeee was an understatement :-) Then I read the Morganville Vampires books ... WOW ... I totally love this series :-). Then a few weeks ago I was lucky enough to meet Rachel [see the Murder One event report by Karen Mahoney here] in person and watch The Lost Boys [one of my fav films] along with her and a wonderful group of her other UK fans. And Rachel is just as lovely and gracious in real life as she is in her virtual one**.

So to say thanks Fangs for the Morganville Vampires and many, many happy reading hours, here's this week's giveaway ...

A copy of Lord of Misrule : Book five, signed by Rachel herself. This is the UK version, which is not only beautiful but glows in the dark!

A copy of Carpe Corpus : Book Six [US cover and sadly not signed by Rachel] that doesn't release in the UK until October '09 [but look at the stunning UK cover it's going to have]

And each book comes with one of these two exclusive Morganville bracelets [raffled by Rachel at the Murder One event and rather less than elegantly modeled on my odd looking limb above ... quite why it looks odd in this photo, I'm not sure, but hey, at least I cleaned the blood off after last week's zombie fest, so it's cool *g*] The top one is leather and embossed with Morganville 'Don't stay out after dark' and fastens with adjustable poppers, the black one is rubber-like and printed with Morganville.

Here's what and how you can win: leave a comment telling me your favourite comfort read and the first commentator drawn by will win their choice out of Lord of Misrule or Carpe Corpus and their choice of bracelet, plus a signed copy of either The Cold Kiss of Death, or The Sweet Scent of Blood***. Second commentator drawn will win the other book and bracelet. Contest open to all, and ends end of day [anywhere] Thursday 25th June 2009.

I comment = 1 entry

Please help me spread the word about the release of The Cold Kiss of Death and the giveaways with a mention of the giveaway on your blog/live journal/myspace/facebook/twitter/etc [post the link to the mention into the comments again] and win yourself more entries into this week's giveaway :-) 1 link = 1 entry

Which means you could end up with more entries into the metaphorical hat, so what are you waiting for? Get posting and linking!! Good Luck!!

x/posted to my blog: leave a comment here or there.
 * They're my comfort reads when I'm writing :-).
** Rachel is also petite, or at least that's what I thought when I met her, then I saw this photo of us together, and decided either I'd shrunk since last I looked in the mirror, or I'm not as tall as I thought I was LOL!
*** The Serious Bit: Morganville Vampire books are young adult and the main characters are teenagers. My own books are not young adult, and feature strong language, voilence and scenes of a sexual nature as do a lot of current urban fantasy; they may not be suitable reading for some young adults. Whilst I've featured young adult books in the giveaways before, it hasn't been quite as prominently. I'm not going to police this giveaway, as I don't feel I'm not the correct person to judge what a young adult should or should not read [we all mature at different rates]. The decision should be the responsibility of the reader and if necessary their parent or guardian. But if the winner feels that my books would be unsuitable reading for them, I'm happy to offer an alternative.

giveaway, morganville, rachel caine

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