6 : 6 : 6 Book Bonanza :: Giveaway

Jun 04, 2009 17:48

6 = Only SIX weeks until The Cold Kiss of Death :: Spellcrackers.com book 2 is released! Yay!

6 = It's June! And June is my favourite month :-)

6 = There will be SIX winners in this week's giveaway!

So to continue my celebratory giveaways to help get the word out about The Cold Kiss of Death, here's this week's contest.

London is my favourite capital city*, not only was I born there, but now my Spellcrackers.com books are set in London. I love to wander round** and find real places to set my scenes, like Old Scotland Yard above [the home of the Metropolitan Police Magic and Murder Squad] and The Stilt, or Dali Tree in Victoria Embankment Gardens [pic below] which if you've read The Sweet Scent of Blood, I hope you'll recognise :-).

 So here's this week's contest - To win all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me which city in the world is your favourite :-).

First commentator picked by Random.org will win a signed copy of The Cold Kiss of Death [plus a signed copy of The Sweet Scent of Blood, if they haven't read it] and their choice of one of the other six books [by some of my fav authors] below. [Includes the new release by Sarah Rees Brennan: The Demon's Lexicon] Commentators picked as 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will also win one of the books pictured below***

I comment = 1 entry

Please help me spread the word about the release of The Cold Kiss of Death and the giveaways with a mention of the giveaway on your blog/live journal/myspace/facebook/twitter/etc [post the link to the mention into the comments again] and give yourself more entries into this week's giveaway :-) 1 link = 1 entry

Which means you could end up with more entries into the metaphorical hat, so what are you waiting for? Get posting and linking!! Good Luck!!

x/posted to my blog: leave a comment here or there. Contest ends end of day [anywhere] Thursday, 11th June 2009.

*I know there are other wonderful cities, but I was born there, and I'm British, so I'm biased. ;p

** Note to hubby: It's called research, and yes, it is vital I check out the shops too, who knows when and where inspiration might strike. LOL!

*** Logistical nightmare much! If you're a winner, I'll be asking for your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices, and hopefully everyone will get a book they're happy with :-)


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