Getting Furry with Kitty :: Giveaway

May 29, 2009 19:53

So in 7 weeks [doesn't time fly :-)] The Cold Kiss of Death :: book 2 :: is released into the wilds of book shops and online booksellers, and to continue my celebratory giveaways to help get the word out, here's this weeks contest - Getting Furry with Kitty*!

I love Carrie Vaughn's Kitty the Werewolf books, Kitty is one of my most favourite characters, as are werewolves in general. But when it came to writing my own books and deciding on what paranormal creatures would inhabit my world - and whilst I have fae that can take the shape of animals, such as kelpies and phoukas - I decided against werewolves for one very good reason.

Wolves are extinct in the wild in the UK**

MosiMaiTorak at the UK Wolf Conservation Trust
My books are set in the UK and wolves have been extinct here for at least a couple of hundred years, thanks to a combination of humans hunting them and their natural habitats disappearing [again due to humans]. Doing a bit of googling, some extensive research I've found some info which gives a rough idea of when these beautiful animals probably died out in various parts of the British Isles.

Wales: possibly in the 12th century
England: 1500-1550
Scotland: 1680-1769
Ireland: 1710-1770

So sadly, the only way werewolves are likely to appear in my books are if they're tourists.

An American Werewolf in London***

But onto this week's giveaway. To win your choice of one of Carrie Vaughn's werewolf books plus a signed copy of either The Sweet Scent of Blood or The Cold Kiss of Death leave me a comment telling me your favourite werewolf from fiction, TV or film.

I comment = 1 entry

Please help me spread the word about the release of The Cold Kiss of Death and the giveaways with a mention of the giveaway on your blog/live journal/myspace/facebook/twitter/etc [post the link to the mention into the comments again] and win yourself more entries into this week's giveaway :-) 1 link = 1 entry

Which means you could end up with more entries into the metaphorical hat, so what are you waiting for? Get posting and linking!! Good Luck!!

x/posted to my blog: leave a comment here or there. Contest ends end of day [anywhere] Wednesday 3rd June 2009.

* Don't you just love a werewolf called Kitty. LOL!

** I know, I have vampires, and faeries, and goblins, and trolls, and none of them are real [no really they're not ... unless of course, you know different :-)] so why should I worry about not having werewolves, just because wolves are extinct here - well, no one ever said this writing business was logical, did they?! LOL!

*** not that this picture in any way impugns any American tourist that has ever visited, or will ever visit London.

David Naughton in the flesh! What a hottie!

giveaway, werewolves, carrie vaughn

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