Blood Ties DVD ... and the winner is ...

May 22, 2009 18:28

This week's contest is now closed and has drawn no. 56. The winner is ... S.M.D.

Congratulations! You've won a copy of the DVD* [reg 2] of complete season 1 of Blood Ties :: all 22 episodes, plus either a signed copy of The Sweet Scent of Blood or a signed proof of The Cold Kiss of Death.

Please email me at contest [at] with your details and your choice.

* or one of Tanya Huff's books.

Thank you to everyone else for taking part and leaving your favourite vampire series or film. I had great fun reading all the comments. Remember the  Charlaine Harris' Dead and Gone is live now, so go enter :-).

p.s. sorry to be a bit late with the announcement, folks - life ran away with me today.


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