Another Chance to win The Sweet Scent of Blood

May 20, 2009 08:39

The lovely Karen Mahoney [  kazdreamer ] soon to have her first vampire story published [Yay!!] in The Eternal Kiss: 12 Vampire Tales of Blood and Desire along with some of my favourite authors [Holly Black, Rachel Caine, Kelley Armstrong, Lili St Crow to name but a few] is giving away . . .

A signed copy of The Sweet Scent of Blood.

So to win, just leave a comment here on Karen's LJ telling her what you're reading right now - or the last book you read and loved.

Comments to be received by the end of the day (anywhere) Friday 22nd May 2009. This giveaway is open to all. Good Luck!

giveaway, eternal kiss, the sweet scent of blood

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