National Adopt a Vampire Month

Mar 17, 2008 17:26

For those of you who don't know, it's National Adopt a Vampire Month over at Jaye's Blahg. There have been plenty of great posts from my fellow authors who also write about those of the sexy, sharp-toothed persuasion *g*

And tomorrow Jaye is kindly allowing me to guest blog about why I think adopting a vampire could be one of those lifetime changing things - well, that's how it happened for me anyway ;)

Jaye Wells is herself a writer and fan of the fanged, and her own book RED HEADED STEPCHILD is due out in September 2009.

To find out more, pop on over. Not only is the reading excellent entertainment, but you can win books! Yes, there are prizes, so what are you waiting for? Go now and enjoy!

writing, vampires

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