Jan 01, 2008 18:37

update: saw dad this weekend, he seems to be feeling ok, not great, but not in pain, just lethargic. This is his normal from the earlier disease, not from the cancer. He's in good spirits and thanks everyone for prayers and good thoughts. Will let ya'll know as test results come in.

So 2008 is here and spent last night working the door at the hotel NYE party. We could bring dates, but who wants to stand around til midnight while their date works all night? However, Chris was going to try to come by about 11:30 and have a toast since I'm done about midnight. When I didn't hear from him I had a hunch. So I got home about 12:20 and my phone was ringing. Water broke about 11:30 and contractions were about 2 minutes apart. He called me only second to his parents, which I thought very kind. He said he'd call if there were complications, but would email this evening. No additional news, so I guess Camden has arrived in good health! Yay! Give ya'll specifics when I get em....

To remember God is in control, especially in situations where I have none to begin with

2 yoga classes a week and use what I learn there to help control stress

Eat less carbs on a daily basis.

Find more time for personal stuff and remember that work is not all that life is about

Create as much happiness and peace for myself and loved ones as possible

Vacation with Chris!!!! (and soon)
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