At long last, my thoughts on the Veronica Mars season finale! This is possibly the longest LJ entry I have ever written. I didn't intend it to be so detailed, and I hope it's not too pedantic. If you want to skip over my "issues" to the end, where I explain why I still love Veronica Mars, please feel free
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Like denyeverything1 (I think), I saw a lot of Beaver's ability to compartmentalize his life/actions because of the abuse by Woody, the neglect by his parents and being the wrong type of little brother for a kid like Dick. None of that excuses a single thing he did but the compartmentalizing worked for me looking back in "Plan B" when Beaver dumped Mac for talking about their relationship with Veronica. Beaver the Boyfriend didn't like Mac learning about Beaver the Rapist. Same with blowing up the kids on the bus - Beaver the smart kid at school couldn't allow Beaver the victim to be discovered.
The compartmentalizing also makes the same Beaver who was joking with Mac while she was tutoring Weevil and guy who had no problem tasering Veronica and taunting her about having nothing to live for.
Why the retro-con worked for me was that I was never thrilled with the original reveal of what happened in "A Trip to the Dentist" - I loved the episode but I always thought for a show that took chances, the Duncan slept with Veronica but really loved her reveal was weak. It was helped a lot by Celeste being there and the quality work of Kristen Bell and a solid Teddy Dunn in that scene but as Veronica learned that Duncan wasn't her brother, as Veronica return to being Duncan's girlfriend, a lot of the horror of that night became what Meg called Veronica's "big high school embarrassing alcohol moment".
I think I saw the same RT interview you did and I liked his line about saying that nothing about that night will ever be right again. It brings her back to the conversation with the girl who was raped at Hearst and what looks to be one of the big season 3 mysteries.
Duncan, ordering 2 in the hat? Dude, I never thought you had it in you!
I thought it would have been Jake, Duncan never struck me as being ruthless enough. Then again, RT thought "Donut Run" was a fond send off for Duncan, this just continues that thought.
Take Care
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