I spent the morning clicking around this site:
http://unitedhollywood.com/ Whenever I see people standing up like this, their hopeful and sincere faces make me tear up. I remember my Dad being on strike when I was a kid and what a rough time that was for us financially. (My birthday was that summer and no bike for me!) But they did what needed to be done and I am a union girl all the way. If you don't know the ins and outs of what the Writers are asking for, there's a video here on the bottom of their YouTube page that explains the economics of the situation:
http://www.youtube.com/wgaamerica The newest video on the page is of the writer/producers of The Office picketing their own gates, shutting their show down. The notion that the producers and networks are trying to say that streaming whole episodes of tv shows online WITH COMMERCIALS is "promotion" that the writers and actors do not need compensation for would be laughable if it weren't so insulting.