General Questions:
* If you could become an animal, which would it be?
A dog or cat
* Have you ever used a compass (the direction-finding type)?
Heh ... yes and no. I've used it and got even more lost because of it.
* Does poor spelling/grammar piss you off?
* If you could live in any time period and any place, what would they be?
Heheh ... Eindhoven, right now.
* And what would you do there?
Go to club, make friends, do stuff and then crash somewhere.
* Do you know who Clive Sinclair is?
* Slasher horror or supernatural horror?
* Windows XP or Windows 3.1 (sorry Unix/Mac/Other fans)?
* D'ya like me? *cute smile*
* D'ya *love* me? *cuter smile*
* Blue ink or black?
* Isn't symbolism great?
* Sub or dom?
Way sub.
* Ever used a command-line interface (e.g.. MS-DOS, Linux)?
C:\echo off
C:\echo yes
* What was the last book you read?
I honestly don't remember.
* Warlocks or mermaids?
* Do you know who Bruce Campbell is?
The chin guy, right?
* Should The Simpsons be cancelled?
Enh ... I don't care :P
* Heh, ever used a dildo, or something similar?
* Zombies or vampires?
* Did you/do you read magazines?
* Does the voice acting in House of the Dead 2 make you cringe?
Haven't seen the movie.
* Don't you think it's ridiculous that quite a few word processors/spreadsheets/whatever run like molasses on a 500MHz machine?
Heh ... I'm not sure.
* What was the last thing you drank?
* Graphics or gameplay?
Heheh ... both.
* What's your special talent (e.g.. art, music, writing etc)?
Don't really have one.
* Do I need hobbies other than computing?
Hell yes :D
* Bondage pants - yes or no?
Bondage pants? That's erm ...
* "Shop Smart, Shop...?"
Smart shop :P
What's Your Favourite:
* Mode of transport?
* Soft drink?
Coca Cola (ban on Pepsi).
* Time of day?
Either one of the noon's ;D
* Non-naughty part of the body?
* Furry creature?
Dun have one.
* Web browser?
Internet Explorer
* Input device?
Hey ...
* Output device?
HEY ....
* Shake-it-all-about device?
* LJ user?
This is one of those mean questions ...
* LJ user called _prophet?
_prophet of course!
* Sitcom?
Seinfeld/Everybody loves Raymond.
* Assistant to Treguard in Knightmare (Hang your head in shame if you've never seen it)?
* Panasonic KX-P1081 printer dipswitch settings?
* List three of your favourite songs: (At the moment)
1. Futureshock featuring Brian Onono - On my mind
2. The entire mellow-d - appelsap disc
3. Heh, the rave parade CD's ;D
* List three of your favourite movies:
1. Braveheart
2. Dumb and Dumber
3. Memory not too good at the moment so dunno.
* How do you believe the world came into existence?
Big bang.
* What do you believe happens after death?
Honestly, I don't know and don't really believe in much after death. Still, on the otherhand I'm not sure. I think there's something, I just haven't given it enough thought to actually care.
* Do you believe sex is sinful/evil/whatever?
Dunno ... depends.
* How do you believe people could be more happy?
If the world would slow down just a tad.
* Do you believe _prophet could find a more productive use for his time?
Hell yes.