I hate my mother.

Apr 05, 2006 07:30

Mother makes me fucking insane. I understand in the following story, I was in the wrong in some points. I shouldn’t have been mad at the dentist. That was wrong of me. I certainly, shouldn’t have said fuck you to my mother.

We got in this huge fight at the dentist, because I got pissed of because they told me they we taking off my braces. They didn't. Those mother fuckers. Anyways, My mother made this huge scene in the dentist office, like she said to me, "What do you say?" (Like you say to a fucking three-year-old who hasn't said thank you.) and I was mad.

Anyways, she took my phone but I have it back now. Then I said, "Fuck you." and got out of the car on the way home.

Okay, so I said, "Fuck you." and got out of the car, at a redlight. I have blisters between my toes from walking two days ago. So I'd taken my shoes off. I was barefoot, in a 1/4 quarter sleeve shirt and an ankle length skirt. First, I walked to the recruiting station, and asked to speak to Sgt. Weiser, who was talking to someone.

I could have nearly died when tghis other recruiter I've met before walked up to Sgt. Weisar and asked if he knew me. x.x He said yes and I told him I'd come back later, he was talking to someone. So, I went and I figured if I was walking I should eat something... A fruit leather from Trader Joe's. It was good. Then I went into Mimi's Cafe, and they kicked me out..No shoes. I was so embarrased. So I walked to K-Mart, nad paid 6 bucks for a pair of flipflops, by now I was soaked because of the rain. This sweet guy John, helped me out on where to find shoes. (I have'nt been to K-mart in like ten years, no joke. We have Target and Wal*Mart right by us.) Then this doll Nina helped me find the perfect pair. Haha, we were in kids looking. I have tiny but FAT feet.

In K-Mart I ate.. a pretzel, I hadn't eaten all day before this adventure. Anyways, then I figured if I was going to be walking, I needed some strength, so I bought some pixie sticks. So, I bought some pixie sticks. They were fucking disgusting. It smells like something nice in my house right now. Anyways, then I had to eat something, I was so weak and tired. So I asked tihs lady where I could get some food. I told her I was allergic to tomato sauce (There's a pizza place in K-mart where I got the pretzel.) So, Janet showed me there was a Mexican food place.

So I walked into the Mexican Place (El Taco Nazo) and ordered a small rice. I started talking to Eric the guy who was working there. I gave him the pixie sticks. We chatted for like two hours, and I called dad. After, he threatened to call the police on Eric(He was harboring me apparently, in his restaurant) I told Mom where I was.

And then I came home and Dad screamed his fucking head off at me. Then, I went upstairs and showered.
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