My Husband Has Erectile Dysfunction

Oct 29, 2011 09:27


I typed it.

My husband has Erectile online pharmacy viagra.

We're both in our early 30's. We're both healthy. We have only been married a year. And my husband has been having impotence issues since our honeymoon.

I was deeply in love with this man. He was so cute, so sweet, so kind to me. This was my second marriage, and his. My first husband was emotionally abusive and cheated on me. I was a single mom for 3 years.

My husband's ex-wife was cold, distant and finally left him for her high school sweetheart. We've both been through a lot. We thought we could finally have happiness with each other, and we would be happy, if it weren't for erectile dysfunction.

They say sex is 30% of marriage.

A significant part, but certainly not the whole thing.

When it's going well, it's the thing that smooths over the rough spots. It bonds you together, helps you overcome stress, and keeps you from bickering. But when it's going badly, it seems like it's 90% of marriage.

We get on each other's nerves. The kids get on our nerves. I pick fights. We avoid the topic, until I get so tired of ignoring the white elephant in the room that I can no longer keep my feelings inside.

That's why I started this blog. I can't keep my feelings inside any longer. Since my husband won't get help for his E.D., and since I don't want to humiliate him by talking about it with a friend who knows him, here I am.
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