So, I am having a reasonably kick ass weekend. Despite the fact that I had to work, yes all weekend. There have been enough pluses to make me a happy camper for once. First, and primarily, there's the fact that my new job means I have a lot of free time on my hands in the office, which is good for mainly two things, reading and surfing the net. Which means, all those books I bought over my year and a half stint in B&N that I've been meaning to get around to, get my full attention. And what, might you ask has sucked my soul? Why, Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series. I swear! I've been meaning to rec them since I blew through the only two available in a day!
Moon Called and
Blood Bound are two of the best preternatural books you're going to get. If you like Anita Blake, you'll find that Briggs' books are a far superior read. Mercy and her little band of domineering, whitty, and outright sexy 'men' guarantee you'll be hooked from page one. And believe me, I have read nearly everything out there that deals in this, because it is by far, my favorite genre. I cannot stress enough how badly you all need to read these. The only devestating part is when you run out. They're released once a year in January. So I have to wait 'til '08 for Iron Kissed! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I need more Mercy NOW!!!
Secondly, because I ran out of Mercy, and couldn't quite get through yet another bland Anita after, I decided to go back and read old RP logs. Today, I read DF from start to tentative 'finish'. We really had something going. It's a shame it only lasted a fire strong 8 months. People who were DFers! Write me fics!!! AH!
Add onto that me getting paid, tonight being the Tony's, throwing a party yesterday, the fact that it's Puerto Rican Day (Let's try and remain civil people! This is not an excuse to be morons! Try and remember that!) and we've got a content me.
My only regret is that I worked all weekend. And in doing so, completely missed the POWOW. Boo!
All that is missing is some good RP, my next Mercy book (PLEASE, Patricia, I beg you!) and the two months or so worth of comics I am to pick up tomorrow, and I'm set.
Too bad it's all gonna go to waste when I have to get up at 4 tomorrow in order to open at the Palace. Urgh.