Nov 26, 2005 22:18
iTunes survey
Open iTunes or Windows Media Player to answer the following. Go to your library.
How many songs?
Sort by song title:
First: '03 Bonnie & Clyde - Jay-Z
Last: שלמונזה - Machina
Sort by time:
First: Pink Triangle - Weezer (0:02)
Last: Before the Great Collapse - Jedi Mind Tricks (17:39)
Sort by album:
First: 2 Fast 2 Furious - Assorted Artists
Last: (No Album Listed) - Cake
First song that comes up on Shuffle:
Tryin' Thoughtless - Korn
Find "sex", how many songs come up?
Find "death", how many songs come up?
Find "love", how many songs come up?