Title: Merlin & Arthur // All To Myself
Music: All To Myself - Mariannas Trench
Disclaimer: No profit being made, nothing belongs to me
Warning: Slash
Spoilers: Season 1 and Season 2
Summary: Arthur and Merlin acting jeaulous around each other.
Notes: So this a request, it took me 1 month to do this properly, cos I didn't have sure if this would work!
Basically it's about Merlin and Arthur acting all jeaulous xD I thought that this song would fit in that situation and that it would be funny vidding them like that! So let me know what you think of this! I'm not really sure about how I feel about this video, because it was the first time that I used a fast song and it was hard for me to get the right timing! So I'm sorry about the mistakes you'll find in this, try to ignore them xD
I'm new on livejournal, so I don't know exactly what I'll post here yet, for now, I'll post my new video :)
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