Jan 28, 2009 08:41
"The goofy thing about Christian faith is that you believe it and don't believe it at the same time..." Story of my life. :P
"In his book Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterson says chess players go crazy, not poets. I think he is right. You'd go crazy trying to explain penguins. It's best just to watch them and be entertained. I don't think you can explain how Christian faith works either. It is a mystery. And I love this about Christian spirituality. It cannot be explained, and yet it is beautiful and true. It is something you feel, and it comes from the soul."
Blue Like Jazz- Donald Miller
By nature, people want to explain things, but also by nature people are created to be in relationship with God... this creates quite the conflict between the mind and soul. I find myself deep in this conflict lately, and I have to admit that I am about ready for it to be over. Please, God, help me feel this, help me know this. I want to receive your love, experience it. I realize more than anything else I need that. Life may not be perfect, but my God is perfect.
Even as I say that now "my God,"
I feel some conflict.
Something deep down inside my soul really truly believed it and is drawn to relationship.
but then my stupid, intelligent, rational mind gets in the way...
Life is full of contradictions.
But so is the Bible.
Can I even begin to understand??
Do I even want to understand??
Oh, God. You know what I need, you know what I want.
Why am I sooo torn.
Is it because I try to do too much on my own?
That could have something to do with it.
This pride that is so engraved in my being as an American, a human-being.
Okay, God, I'm done explaining... ready for experiencing.
Give me love, give me grace, transform my life.
That's all I need. && I'm ready to do anything or nothing to get it.
Lead me Lord, I'm trusting in you...
I can't explain my life, it's a mess.
I can't explain God, he came to bless...
I don't know but I choose God.
I want to be a true Christian.
Love seeping through my pores,
the power of God healing sores...
God is pursuing me, and I am trying to get him on my own terms,
not being led, not being fed. I give in. I give it up.
Help me God!